Sunday, May 1, 2011

Somerset Maine

I came north to Somerset, for a job. The move from Greenwich Village, New York City, going from one village to another, how difficult could that be? In the city I watched for traffic and unsavory characters. Up North I have to watch for moose, bear, deer and unsavory characters. Right away I noticed the air or perhaps its absence. Raised as I was to recognize the taste, smell, and texture, something was amiss.  Hard to get use to something you can't see or feel. I do have to admit it has a nice smell to it.

The job, the one I made the move for, was I crazy, or what? When I was born I had a cell phone in one hand and a PDA in the other. Technology was and has been my life. I take this job, the library, yes I'm an old maid librarian (35 with no prospects and no desire...well sometimes) the library was older than old school; no computers, a library where finding a book required going into the library and fingering ones way through drawer upon drawers of filling cards, now how cutting edge is that?

Over the years I had heard family members speak of the big war, even had classes where World War II was mentioned. But working alongside people, and most of them, had experienced the homefront. They were old! My youth, well to them I seemed young, was a problem. I was hired to bring some change, introduce new ideas, new technology; they were still using manual typewriters. What sort of mistake did I make?

Teenagers were to be my area of expertise. Forever, the library provided services only to children and adults. If a person for some reason could not identify with being one or the other they were...well, disinvited. Teens were an alien species the library staff had no interest and no skills in dealing with them.

Life in Somerset became interesting for me the night of the Teen Sleepover. The Library Director and I, to be honest had lacked mutual respect. She despised teens and in turn despised me. I was hired at the request of the library board; she fought me, the board and the teens. That night was to be my last day on the job, fired as I was by the director. A murder mystery game was to be the focus of the evening; the kids brought murder props, the schedule called for the game to begin following the telling of spooky stories, setting the mood. And of course someone turned off the lights for added effect. To guarantee no one was running wild in the hinterlands of the building I investigated. On a swing through the basement, I happened upon the real murder scene, someone had dispatched the boss, using a garrote from our collection of weapons.

Officer Dan Kane, the best Somerset could offer began his investigation of the crime. With unique insight he rapidly pounced upon the two prime suspects, myself and Grunge, the provider of the garrote. Grunge, otherwise known as Eric Hardy had two strikes against him, being a skateboarder and a teen. I because of an unjust termination, history of conflict, and the bad luck of happening upon the crime scene.

Somerset I love you, I'm just not sure we are a good fit. We will have to see how the indefatigable Detective Kane progresses. In his defense, I have to note that he seems to have taken a great interest in me. Perhaps there will be some progress there as well.

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